Lorelynn Mirage Cardo
If you are guided to work with me – know that I have, in some way, walked a similar path to yours
After following traditional paths of obtaining master and doctoral degrees in counseling and education, I followed my heart into the realm of energy healing, bringing these magnificent and subtly powerful perspectives into the counseling, healing and educational fields. I worked as a counselor for many years but realized fairly quickly something most everyone in the helping field knows – we don’t have the truest methods (or drugs) to really help people move fast enough or clear enough through their issues. Yes, we might gain understandings and insight into our lives and choices, but how to change ingrained patterns and completely move beyond blocks? That’s really a wholly (holy) different story and journey!
If you feel guided to work with me, please reach out!
(503) 810-8855 or Lorelynn@AriseGuide.com
We offer 3 unique advanced energy healing methods:
- Language of Light Codes of Dimensional Healing and EnLilghtenment – a 33 symbol system of sound healing, distance healing and mastery codes
- Spectrum Energetics – a chakra based etheric healing method
- SoulAnge Harmonics – personalized angelic lineage for you, song and heart filled

I am a native New Yorker (lived and worked in Queens, Long Island, Manhattan and the Bronx) and moved to Oregon many years ago. It was an interesting transition to take such an urban background and transplant west – and I have alot of funny and unusual stories (like, being afraid to drive on the west coast in the fog and ditches while knowing I was at one time a fearless driver, taking on any NYC cabdriver. 🙂
I have a wonderful family both here and in NY and consider most of my clients ‘family’ as well. I also have been blessed to have many wonderful animal companions, dogs and cats. I admit I didn’t realize how much work our companion animals do for us in the energy healing field! Mine love to work with my clients, even sometimes getting on the Reiki table with them. When they ‘leave’, it is amazing how much more I need to do to ground myself and my clients. So much love to our special companions! I am also very fortunate to be able to stay in touch with Spirit and those who have transitioned as well – they are wonderful and supportive Guides and companions – and I can help you keep in touch with your loved ones as well.
My vision:
“Reverence, beauty, joy, enjoying eternal connections, and alot of laughter — that’s what this life is about for me. I offer you the totality of who I am at present, align at the highest frequency I can, and, in an accepting and compassionate space, hold our combined vision for you as you raise the frequency of your life story, beliefs, perceptions, choices and actions.
Let’s step forward as the true Hero of our Journey and let our life soar into its Highest Magnificence!”