Arise Guided Counseling : Soul Based Perspectives
We work together through counseling practices enhanced with Guided or Intuitive information brought uniquely to you through Higher Energies. Visualize that you are walking through a devastated area and fall into pot holes and trenches. You find it hard to get the right perspective because you need all your concentration to navigate the mazes. Working from a Soul Based perspective, we take a ‘helicopter’ to gain a higher view to navigate. If that’s not high enough, we go 35,000 feet high, the cruising altitude of a ‘jetliner’. If that is still not high enough (and sometimes it’s not), we can get in a ‘shuttle’ and see your life’s path and choices from a magnificent perspective. The higher we get, the more we can see the patterns you have laid down for this lifetime. That makes a great difference – and things align faster and clearer afterwards.
All sessions are available virtually
Call 503-810-8855 today
Personal Growth
“Lessons” are growth opportunities – how often have we said this to ourselves? We often have to spiral through the same lessons over and over until we truly learn. Uncover your limiting patterns and outmoded behaviors. Embrace your ‘shadow’ and integrate your growth so that you can move on to bigger(!) growth opportunities!
A Call to Greatness…imagine shining forth in all your Glory…feeling a deep reverence and connectedness with Earth and this magnificent vehicle we call our bodies…feeling whole with thoughts and emotions and dreams aligned and alight…sounding our song, for All to hear! Let’s really explore this magnificent gift called Life – and have fun doing it!
Family & Marriage
It is said that the core of our lives is our family, but when instability strikes at the heart of the family system, outside perspectives are sometimes necessary. See it from another perspective; hear it from an impartial consultant, trained in family counseling.
Attracting the right partner…co-creating with your partner…becoming the person we want to attract! Staying aligned with our own heart center with family, friends, co-workers. Respecting, honoring, enjoying each other. Abundance comes in many forms and often we need to clear out old habits and expectations before we can attract and embody the love we are searching for. Embrace life lessons with another…We can have it all!!
Life Passages
Transitions…thresholds…crossroads….creations….unfoldings….dyings….rising up again from the ashes… we experience all many times in one life. Honor them. Accept them. Learn from them. Share the riches.
Career Path
Right Livelihood…loving yourself and creating a career that expresses your gifts and skills. Feeling stuck or uncertain with your job? Feeling you have reached a pinnacle – and now what? Just hold on until you can retire and then start to live? Why wait? Life is a gift – unwrap it. Live fully and meaningfully! Traditional career testing available including assessments of your interests, skills, strengths, and values. Job placement includes resume writing, interview preparation, and networking skills.

Working with a Holistic Approach
Finding and following our personal guidance is the key to personal development. Walk with me as an alternative and holistic therapist and you will find accelerated progress in your personal development. Discover inner landscapes built upon belief clarification and guidance – a true way to balance the spiritual principles with natural laws. While situations can seem to happen to us, and where it is easy to blame others, discover alternative counseling as a better way to see through cause and effect.
All sessions are available virtually
Call 503-810-8855 today